Events and Training


Maximizing Potential between Team, Associates and Doctors. Drs. Daniel & Richelle Knowles 2-Day Intensive Seminar on having DOCTOR, ASSOCIATE, TEAM collaboration in a Lifetime Wellness Practice.











Reserve your seats for Yourself and your team Early while you can save the most



Make your reservations and your plans now to attend the
LWP retreat on November 15 & 16 , 2024.

Chiropractic Practice Growth
Events and Training


In Lifetime Wellness Practice you can access the tools, knowledge and techniques you need to help more people, impact more lives get more people on your tables more often. You can help your practice members stay in care longer to ensure their chiropractic practice growth efforts garner positive results, leading them to remarkable success. Chiropractic practice growth can be achieved in one of two ways.  You can utilize the trial and error system, with slow or nonexistent result, or you can do it the smart way, by utilizing the knowledge gained by someone who has gone through the trial and error process, developed proven methods based on their experience and created products devoted to the successful expansion of your practice. You can have full access to that knowledge through the mentorship of someone who has acquired it firsthand and transformed it into life and professional lessons.

When you partner with me as your mentor, you’re being taught by someone who’s been in the trenches through the trial and error process, which is long, tedious and frustrating. If you put the right systems in place, and if you have an intense desire to serve and impact the lives of others, you can enjoy success without running the gauntlet. That long road of trial and error can burn you out and prohibit you from attaining your goals. It doesn’t have to be that way!

Now you can implement the systems, secrets, techniques and tools I’ve learned to use over the past 20 years to expand my market share and build a successful chiropractic practice. By participating in the Live Events and/or the Tele-classes offered by Lifetime Wellness Practice, you’ll see expansive results quickly and without the frustration, wasted time and misspent dollars that define the trial and error process. You’ll be traveling on the road to helping greater numbers of people enrich their lives.


Developing and Refining Offerings

At Lifetime Wellness Practice, events and training sessions are constantly being developed and presented for you. The world needs more chiropractors, so the effort to develop more awesome doctors is vital.   The world needs more people like you to become leaders, to heal more people, to transform the way the public sees health and to change a generation.  You’ll be mentored in the techniques of new patient attraction, Internet marketing, team building and practice growth, which are constantly evolving. It’s your job and ours, to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to the ever-evolving world of practice building and community enrichment. The Live Events and Tele-classes are constantly being refined, updated and adjusted while new topics, techniques and tools are being developed.


Check Your Email!

By the way, if you’re concerned about being left out of the mix as far as upcoming Live Events or Tele-classes are concerned, you don’t have to worry. You’ll receive timely reminders via your email regarding upcoming learning opportunities and special announcements about new events and classes from Daniel Knowles, D.C. and Lifetime Wellness Practice.


Let Us Know What You Think

Please communicate what you think of the Live Events and Tele-classes. If you have other topics in mind that would be helpful for you to learn, let us know? If there’s a specific niche you’re interested in developing or a tool that you want to utilize, communicate that you’d benefit from a specialized session!

At Lifetime Wellness Practice the goal is to have each and every aspect of chiropractic marketing covered.   That said, your experience may make you see the challenges of chiropractic practice-building differently. It’s true that all chiropractors share common ground, and it’s also true that all have traveled different roads and engaged is a variety of different experiences to get to that ground. and engaged in a range of differing experiences. That’s why communication is so important.  


Live Events

Each year, Lifetime Wellness Practice travels to various parts of the US, Canada and the rest of the world, providing chiropractors with the practical insights and expert knowledge they need to expand their chiropractic practices. All of the events, including seminars, coaching sessions and specialized classes, are geared toward enabling you to quickly utilize the expertise that is shared with you.

It’s not enough for you to merely succeed. You need to thrive, impact and improve your community, change and save more lives and meet or exceed your financial goals and dreams. It’s vital for your chiropractic marketing efforts to result in accelerated, ongoing growth that will redefine the financial objectives of your practice. The Live Events are a great way to interact with others in the field, share knowledge and gain invaluable insights. The live training is focused on enhancing practice member communication and service.


Upcoming Lifetime Wellness Live Events

“When you spend 2 days with me training, you will have the reproducible systems, communications tools and strategies to build the cash-based lifetime wellness practice of your dreams!”

You will get the nuts and bolts strategies to run a successful cash-based wellness care-oriented office.  You’ll learn communication strategies, evaluation procedures, new patient marketing, and so much more.  The intention in every event is intention is to exceed your expectations and have you leave with the tools you need to operate a turnkey practice, with systems that work.  What you will learn is what enabled us to develop one of the largest cash-based, no-insurance, hands-on, tonal model, wellness lifestyle practices in the world.   It’s the kind that you likely envisioned in your original chiropractic dreams.


Tele-classes – Webinars And On Demand Video

Lifetime Wellness Practice is geared to meet your needs. Even though you’ll gain the most value from attending the live workshops, it’s not always possible to travel to a live event. Your time is valuable and at a premium. Still, in order to engage in successful chiropractic practice growth and service, you must commit to constant and never-ending improvement. You have to continue to sharpen the saw, getting the required cutting edge that will allow you to succeed at building a thriving and expansive practice.


Distance Learning

Distance learning is not only a hugely valuable experience, it is an amazing efficient method of learning that allows you to maximize your time, effort and energy. Lifetime Wellness Practice’s Tele-classes and webinars are focused events where you’ll learn the latest, most effective practice communication techniques, success strategies and marketing methods and procedures. You’ll receive convenient access, timely topics and premium information that will enable your practice to excel in a manner that is second to none.



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